
Saturday, November 29

what now? 

so... my last post... was meant to convey that i would be delayed in responding for a few days... a few days turned into a few weeks... and now it has been almost two months. whoops. a big whoops.

so... here i am on thanksgiving break- 9 full days of "nothing" and yet... I just now get around to this on, oh, day 8. hmm. i am aware i can make a better effort to work on this, but, on the other hand, part of me thinks maybe it would be better to just call it quits. I know I'll personally get around to finishing The City of God, but I think maybe I'll just do it on my own time. Maybe all in one chunk over Christmas break, or during essay writing, or spring break, or even next summer. and something tells me I'm not the only one who doesn't have time, seeing as how neither of you guys have gotten around to posting or asking "what's up??" ;)

if either of you have a good plan or solution... i'm open to suggestions. but even dwight's suggestion of taking little chapters even got pushed to the wayside for me. i suppose we could all just finish it on our own time, and then "reconvene" to discuss it at large afterwards. maybe, say, the beginning of summer, or spring break, or something. I just don't know what sort of schedule you guys are on, and I know you are super busy MJ, and I guess I've adequately conveyed my seemingly whirlwind life by now, so... you two just let me know.

I figured since no one had touched this blog in almost 2 months that we better figure something out... you know... a plan or closure or. . . . .